2 min to read
GitHub Pages Tutorial

Before you start
This series of articles aims to explain all the details required to build a static page on free hosting provided by GitHub. To be able to follow the information below, you will need the following prerequisites:
- Basic git knowledge
- Basic HTML and JavaScript knowledge
- GitHub account
Below, I provide some external sources you may use to fill the knowledge gap. However, I will be explaining step by step, so it should not be difficult to follow instructions. So even if you are completely new to web topics, you should not have issues understanding this tutorial. For reference, I provide good free training materials for the topics above.
Git free materials
- Zaprogramuj Życie - Kurs gita: The best Git course on Polish YouTube. So if you are a Polish speaker, it is the perfect choice for you.
- NetNinja Git & GitHub Tutorial for Beginners
- Atlassian Git Tutorial
- Git Documentation
HTML free materials
JavaScript free materials
- HTML CSS JAVASCRIPT Coding Bootcamp by Ania Kubów
- Mozilla Docs JAVASCRIPT
- W3Schools JAVASCRIPT Tutorial
Why I have selected GitHub pages
I’m learning programming and have used it already at work for a while. So it is natural that I’m using Git, GitHub, or similar remote repository services to control code versions. GitHub uses README files written in Markdown Language to describe basic information about particular software stored in the Git repository. So I am using Markdown language as well. I was looking for a solution that would enable me to quickly deliver web pages and will let me focus on content when I’m writing text. So I was looking for a tool that will transform Markdown files into web pages. I was also looking for cheap hosting. GitHub Pages seemed the perfect choice. I can edit Markdown documents and focus on content while I’m writing new text. This is possible by writing a page using Jekyll and hosting a page on GitHub Pages. GitHub Pages hosting is simple and free of charge. Finally, I have migrated to hosting pages on VPS, but I’m still using solutions I have learned while beginning on GitHub.
Sounds interesting?
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